The very first question you need to ask yourself is "Is Photoshop worth it?

The very first question you need to ask yourself is "Is Photoshop worth it?". There are many things that separate the average web designer from the great, and those that separate the mediocre from the fantastic. You need to be passionate about what you do, or it will show. Make your website amazing, and people will come back, time again!

One of the most important things to remember when designing anything is how you want people to see you. Do you want them to admire your work? Or do you need to hide certain aspects? There is no right or wrong answer, it's entirely up to you. The important thing is that you find out what works for you and what doesn't.

It's easy to get carried away with fancy graphics, but they can actually distract from you being able to express yourself clearly. So don't be tempted to go overboard with flashy images and shadows. In general, the rule is to keep it simple, to the point, and to use as much contrast as possible. This will help you to produce some stunning images, without having to use an excessive amount of black and white. And if you're a bit of a novice at Photoshop, this is actually a good way to start learning - by using the default settings, until you're confident in taking on more complex designs.

Remember, this is something you're making for yourself. Don't be afraid to experiment. You're not trying to impress anybody. Just because you're having fun, at least one person will be impressed with your efforts - so take the chance. It may take a few tries to nail it down, but with a bit of patience you'll eventually perfect your 'craft'. Don't give up!

The final question you need to answer is "Do I have enough time to put into Photoshop?" When I first started I thought I had no time. But after months of practice, I was drawing like a pro, and my time was NOT going to disappear any time soon. Now it's been over 6 years since I started using Photoshop, so I guess it's not necessary to spend an eternity trying to become a master illustrator, or a graphic designer.

My advice? Get started. Don't wait. Start today. Don't wait another moment to develop your skills. Get cracking and become a Photoshop master!

Have you seen Photoshop Elements? It's free! You can download the latest version from the Adobe site and start enjoying it straight away. Photoshop Elements is highly intuitive and provides lots of tools that help you build up your skills quickly. And it's also very easy to learn if you follow the step-by-step video tutorials available.

In summary, "Is Photoshop Worth It 2100"? The answer really depends on what your goals are. If you're just looking to refine your picture editing skills, then yes, Photoshop is worth it. If you have some design ideas or want to build a website, then Photoshop isn't for you. However, if you have time to invest, you'll find that learning to use Photoshop, even after you've become an advanced user, is still a worthwhile investment. There's plenty of scope for creativity with Photoshop, and you'll develop an appreciation for the medium as time goes by.

So, how do you know when you've used it all? It's easy to become complacent, and fall into a comfortable level where you don't really realise that you're improving as a photographer. So, it's important to keep revisiting previous work and testing out your new skills. If you get stuck, then it can be tempting to just leave it be. Don't do this!

It's easy to set yourself short-term goals, such as getting 100 new images for example, but then stop. This will put you in a situation where you're stressing about not being able to complete your task, when all you need is a break. Take some time to take a step back, relax, and take some inspiration from past work you've done. When you do this and focus on the quality of your images, then you'll soon start to feel encouraged.

So, what's the final answer to the question? In my opinion, if you're struggling with something, and have tried a range of techniques, then you're probably better off sticking to it. There are some great photo editing applications out there that offer great functionality, so don't give up. Even if it takes a while to figure out exactly what you want, you'll be more motivated once you've got an image that you're happy with. After all, wouldn't you rather have created that image yourself?